Freight Frenzy (2021 - 2022)

FTC Freight Frenzy 2021-22 

Robot: Bleeding Steel

Awards & Achievements:

Intake Wheel

The Gecko Wheel intake mechanism is one of the most innovative aspects of our robot. Initially, the Gecko Wheel's smooth surface lacked the traction needed to pull in blocks effectively. To solve this, we modified the Gecko Wheel by cutting away the smooth exterior, leaving only the tentacle-like structures for extra grip.

After implementing this change and conducting several practice runs, we noticed that a fixed height for the intake limited our ability to pick up different types of cargo, such as blocks and balls. To overcome this, we suspended the front and back of the intake mechanism from surgical tubing, allowing it to move up and down. This flexible suspension system enabled the intake to adapt to different heights, enhancing its ability to handle a wider range of freight and improving our robot's overall performance

Linear Slide & Collection Bucket

We designed our linear slide and intake system to work seamlessly. After collecting freight, it is housed in a bucket made of a ramped metal plate and plexiglass. The bucket, connected to a servo, allows precise dumping into the shipping hubs. Our slide is a double-leveled steel structure controlled by a pulley attached to a DC motor. To maintain consistent tension, we used a Kevlar string for the pulley.

The freight collection bucket is tailored to receive freight from the intake. Throughout the season, we made several modifications to the bucket. The first major change was adding a ramp. We noticed that freight had to jump to get in, so we bent a piece of metal to create an easier path.

Carousel Attachment

The carousel attachment is mounted on the front right corner of the robot. Using a makeshift 9-hole U-channel and two Gecko Wheels, we were able to reach the specific height of the carousel. Our attachment uses a 312 RPM DC motor so we could get speed when spinning the carousel. Our first design consisted of only one Gecko controlled by a servo but we quickly realized a servo would neither have the force nor the speed to spin the carousel. We added a second Gecko Wheel later on to increase the chance of contact with the carousel.

Capping Arm

The capping arm consists of a turret, with a servo on the bottom and another servo mounted higher on the turret. The long arm had a magnet attached to it for the TSE model to hold together. When the magnetic force between the two magnets is disturbed, the TSE falls down. This concept is used to place the TSE on the shipping Hub.

We designed our TSE as a hollow cone with a hollow rod on top, so that we could cap it. We put a magnet on top so that the TSE could attach onto a metal rod magnetically. The TSE attachment had a built-in magnet so it would contact. Once we capped it on the shipping hub and backed up, the magnetic force would be ripped apart, releasing the TSE.