Community Outreach


Our team received the opportunity to host a few workshops at FIRSTFair, held at Gladstone High School. Our Outreach team split, three members presenting the "FTC For Rookies" workshop, and two members explaining Tensorflow Object Detection. These presentations were based on our experience from our rookie year. We were able to interact with many teams, not only rookies, but senior teams that also gave suggestions & advice to empower this year's challenge. 


From July 31 to August 3, 2023, we hosted a dynamic robotics summer camp to promote FIRST challenges and STEM for children aged 8-11. Held at the Washington County Extension Service Educational Center, provided through our 4H affiliation, the camp offered hands-on robotics experiences to prepare participants for the world of FIRST. With a registration fee of $100 and a 20% early bird discount before July 15th, we advertised via Instagram, YouTube, and flyers distributed both online and at community hubs, partnering with local organizations like Kumon for additional outreach. 


Our team also created accounts and posted regularly on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to engage with the STEM community, reaching over 7,000 views. Our accounts have grown to over 150 followers and we've been able to reach out to other teams across the nation for advice, learning, and resources. 


We volunteered at the FLL Qual and State competitions. All of our volunteers were assigned shifts that lasted the entire day. The task took around 50+ hours with the members attending the event. The experience was great, as we offered our knowledge to FFL teams that plan to take the next step in FIRST: FTC. 


We mentored two FLL teams, the Chaotic Connectors, Lab Rats, and the Galactic Geniuses, as well as scrimmaging with Team 18108, High Voltage. The captain gave us multiple strategies for advice that we could work with.  One of our team members also interviewed a member of team 18127, All Hands On Tech. She gave wonderful advice regarding many aspects of the game and gave us extra tips. The learning experience was vital for our upcoming qualifier match. 


We partnered with Team 12599 Overcharged at the OMSI Fair to introduce the concept of FIRST to young minds, as well as demonstrating our robot to over 100 kids. They really enjoyed our demonstration as it would always bring a smile on any child’s face after controlling the attachments of a “metal monster.” After the event, FIRST Oregon reposted our Instagram post on their story! An incredible act by the FIRST Oregon Instagram Account! 


To reach out to middle and high schoolers, we decided to have a booth in the ISB Science Fair & Finley Science Fair. This was the perfect chance to introduce FIRST and STEM to students. We hosted a robot demo where the students had the opportunity to operate the attachments of our robot for the season Powerplay. We had about 300 students in total from both fairs come to our booth and try out our robot. In addition, we were a part of the 2023 yearbook for ISB in the STEM section!