Seasons Progression

Team Goals

As a third-year team, we plan to improve and grow over the season to gain even more knowledge and experience. Our team aims high for the season of Centerstage 2023-2024.   

Collective Growth

Our aim to grow as a team throughout the FTC seasons focuses on both technical proficiency and skill development. We plan to enhance our technical knowledge by diving deeper into robotics concepts, experimenting with advanced mechanisms, and integrating cutting-edge technology into our designs. Regular workshops and training sessions will be conducted to improve our programming skills, mechanical design, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, we will actively participate in scrimmages and competitions to gain practical experience and learn from other teams. Collaboration and communication within the team will be prioritized to foster a supportive environment where every member can contribute and grow. By continuously seeking feedback and reflecting on our experiences, we aim to refine our strategies and build a more cohesive, skilled, and innovative team each season.